

Celebrating Women’s History Month 2023

A Tribute to Mrs. Adelia “Dede” Robertson in Honor of Women’s History Month

By Regent University faculty member Dr. Carletta N. Artis

Regent University stands with the nation in celebrating Women’s History Month. Throughout history, women around the world have made outstanding impacts in economics, culture, politics, innovation, and justice. Here in the United States, the continued legacy of women’s accomplishments can be seen all around us. Today, women comprise more than one-fourth of Congress. And while women represented less than 2% of the armed forces in 1950, women currently account for around 15% of active members in the U.S. military. Annually, women earn over 60% of college degrees granted. Not only do they represent the majority of workers in education, health services, and social assistance, but they continue to make significant impacts in these industries. Women-owned businesses are expanding more than two times faster than the average business in the U.S. These are only a few of many examples of the growing impact women have had on American society.

With growing recognition of women’s contributions came reason to celebrate. The first Women’s History Day commenced on February 28, 1909, in New York City. Almost 70 years later came the first Women’s History Week in 1978, and in 1987, Women’s History Month was declared. The theme of this year’s Women’s History Month is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.” The National Women’s History Alliance will “encourage the recognition of women, past and present, who have been active in all forms of media and storytelling including print, radio, TV, stage, screen, blogs, podcasts, news, and social media.” In line with this theme, we would like to highlight Mrs. Adelia “Dede” Robertson, beloved late wife of Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson, for her countless contributions to storytelling and to Regent University: 

  • In the early 1960s, Mrs. Robertson served as a TV host alongside her husband as they launched the Christian Broadcasting Network.
  • Mrs. Robertson was a faithful wife, mother, educator, author, and nurse. She held a bachelor’s degree in Social Administration from the Ohio State University and a Master of Nursing degree from Yale. 
  • Mrs. Robertson served on the Regent University Board of Trustees from 1977 to 2019. During her tenure on the board, she served on various committees including: Building & Grounds, Public Relations & Development, School of Communication & the Arts, and College of Arts & Sciences.
  • In 1982, she was appointed as the principal U.S. delegate to the Inter-American Commission of Women, where she represented the United States from 1982 to 1990. In that capacity she played a key role in elevating the status of the women who lived in Latin America.
  • Mrs. Robertson specialized in interior design and personally decorated Regent’s campus to create beautiful spaces conducive to academic and spiritual enrichment. 
  • The Dede Robertson Theatre and the Dede Robertson Student Center were named in her honor. At the theatre’s dedication ceremony in 2019, Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson said of his devoted bride: “Thank you, Lord, for my wife, Dede, and the many gifts you’ve given her. As we dedicate this magnificent theatre in her honor today, we ask for a special blessing on this beautiful, loving, and talented woman of God.”

God continues to bless women with strength and unique gifts to make the world a better place and to further His kingdom. There are countless examples of courageous and fierce women who have made a positive mark throughout history. Let us celebrate the legacies of women’s significant contributions to society while eagerly anticipating the future impacts of women who are living empowered, courageous, and authentic lives.

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