

Regent Law Grad Recommends CEFLER’s Mentoring Program

Regent Law grad Barrett Luxhoj (’13) recently spoke to Professor Ben Madison’s State Civil Pretrial Practice and Procedure class. Mr. Luxhoj answered several questions from Professor Madison regarding how he had made the transition into practice, how he managed the conflicting demands on his time, how he dealt with difficult lawyers, and most importantly the manner in which he resolved ethical challenges that arose in his practice.  Luxhoj then took questions from students.

As a former Regent Law student, Mr. Luxhoj was familiar with CEFLER’s mentoring program, which pairs Regent Law students with lawyers and judges from across the country. Mr. Luxhoj strongly encouraged students to get a mentor. He explained that a mentor is critical for development as an attorney and that attorneys have to rely on more than a set of rules, but a moral compass, when they practice law.

See Luxhoj’s full answer below, including a fantastic movie quote that applies to all attorneys.

If you would like to be part of CEFLER’s mentor program as a mentor or mentee, contact

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