

Mentee Testimony: Carter Budwell

My name is Carter Budwell. I am a third year law student at Regent University School of Law, and plan on taking the Virginia bar exam this summer.

Unlike many of my peers who joined the mentor/mentee program as first year law students, I did not join until the fall of my third year. It was just something I did not think that much about. But I decided that having a connection with a practicing attorney can only help me, and cannot hurt me.

I was paired with Mr. Brandon Delfunt, a district attorney near the Atlanta area. He has given me some very solid advice, both in regards to law school and personally. He told me about how crazy everything seemed in law school - all the assignments and the extra-curricular activities that can just pile up. But he told me that, looking back, he is glad that he did it. This was very encouraging for me personally, because I know very well the feeling of being overwhelmed. I know the day will come when I am glad that I did all of the work I did.

He also told me about balancing work and family. This is very important to me, because I desire to have one of my own someday, and I want to be able to appropriately balance my life.

The only regret that I have is that I did not join the program sooner. Advice from a practicing attorney can be very helpful, because when we are in the heat of things, outside advice can help us see things clearer.

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