

Center for Ethical Formation and Legal Education Reform Director Natt Gantt Presents at ETL Conference

Professor Natt Gantt at the 2015 ETL Conference
Photo by Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers
CEFLER Director L.O. Natt Gantt, II, recently gave a presentation titled “Leadership Development for Law Students” at the Fourth Annual Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers (ETL) Conference in Denver, Colorado.  

Professor Gantt's presentation focused on defining leadership, explaining the need for leadership education in law schools, and identifying specific initiatives Regent Law has implemented to promote leadership developments among its students.

"Many leaders in this country are lawyers," said Professor Gantt.  "Yet law schools have traditionally focused very little on how they can prepare students for these leadership roles.  As law schools devote more instruction on the skills that are important for professional success, we as legal educators need to do more to help our students understand the skills and attributes of effective leaders."

ETL is one of the chief initiatives of the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS), a national, independent research center dedicated to facilitating continuous improvement and advancing excellence in the American legal system.  

One of the ways ETL encourages implementation of reforms in legal education is by holding an annual conference attended by legal educators, bar leaders, judges, and other attorneys interested in legal education.  This year’s conference, held October 1-3, 2015, had the theme of  "Building on the Foundations for Practice," which included the unveiling of ETL survey results intended to identify the foundations entry-level lawyers need to succeed in practice.

View Professor Gantt's presentation below:

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