

Mentee Testimony: Stockton Brown

by Stockton Brown ('15)

“The Regent Mentoring Program has been a great experience both in my law school career and beyond. My mentor is Ashley Warner, and we met at the end of my 1L summer. Ashley provided great insight and encouragement regarding the challenges of law school. We stayed in touch after our initial meeting, and I interned at the same firm where she practiced during the summer after my 2L year. After graduation from Regent Law, I first practiced law at that same firm where I had interned.

During my law school career at Regent and as my career begins, Ashley has been a great encouragement. She has helped me to wrestle with questions of how to grow in Christ-likeness as a lawyer, serving each client and person that I meet with respect and love.
I am very thankful for the Mentoring Program and the ways in which it has brought friends alongside me to help me develop as a lawyer who seeks to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.”

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