

Online Article About Prof. Madison's Efforts to Implement Reforms to Legal Education

The Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) is an organization formed after the publication of the Carnegie Report for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning entitled Educating Lawyers.  The leadership of IAEducating Lawyers.  A chief initiative of IAALS is the Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers (ETL) initiative.  ETL encourages implementing the reforms recommended in Educating Tomorrow's Lawyers.
ALS includes Bill Sullivan, the lead author of

One of the ways ETL encourages implementation of reforms is to feature the work of professors who have developed courses that reflect the recommendEducating Lawyers. These courses of these professors, and any teaching materials they have developed, are under "Course Portfolios" at the above link. Last year, Professor Madison was elected a "fellow" by the ETL Board for his work.  An online article on Professor Madison's continuing efforts to support IAALS and ETL can be found at this link.
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Another way that ETL encourages law schools to adopt Educating Lawyers recommendations is through a consortium of law schools.  The law school consortium demonstrate a commitment to the recommended reforms by including some or all in the school's strategic plan or planned curriculum, by including some courses that teach students by the "Carnegie method," and by helping to share their experience with other schools.   The consortium schools meet annually to collaborate on developments at their schools and offer each other suggestions for further change.  The ETL website, with a scrolling list of the 26 consortium member schools, is at the following link:

Regent University School of Law joined the consortium in 2011.  Within the past week, IAALS released a notice that New York University School of Law had become the latest member of the consortium.

Professor Madison is always willing to discuss his experience developing a casebook that allows professors to teach in the "Carnegie Method" and his experience teaching in this fashion.  Although his upper-level civil procedure and pretrial practice course integrates all of Carnegie's recommendations, he incorporates some of the recommendations in his first-year Civil Procedure course.  As this Blog title suggests, his particular interest is using pervasive teaching methods in his course to cultivate students' ability to form a professional identity.   Carnegie's Educating Lawyers and its sister report, Best Practices for Legal Education (also published in 2007) emphasizes that law schools must address professional formation with a vigor equal to that which they bring to developing legal analysis and skills.   Professor Madison, as well as many of his colleagues at Regent University School of Law, find this balanced approach to be most effective in preparing students for a healthy, satisfying legal career.  In general, Regent University School of Law believes that students' spiritual development is as important as their intellectual growth.

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